Avaliação nutricional de silagens de flor-de-seda (Calotropis procera) aditivada com resíduos de manga e tomate


  • Rafael F. Santos
  • Alex A.C. Ferreira
  • Monica S. Mello
  • Janaina L. Silva


The objective of this study was to evaluate the silk flower silages with the inclusion of mango and tomato wastes (0, 10, 15 e 20% of fresh matter). Maximum effluent production (P<0.05) was observed with the inclusion of 12.3% of mango and tomato wastes. DM, OM and NFC contents of the silages with 10, 15 and 20% inclusion were higher (P<0.05) than the control silage. It is recommended to include 13% of mango and tomato wastes in silk flower silage.


