Levantamento florístico do estrato herbáceo e macrófitas aquáticas dos Brejos da Barra, BA


  • Danielle C. Mourão
  • Paulo R.M. Souza Filho


Rural communities in Barra, BA, Brazil, have humid areas with hydromorphic soils and emerging Mauritia flexuosa L.f, locally known as Brejos. The phytophysiognomy seems as palm swamps (or veredas) composed by plant species of Caatinga and Cerrado biomes. We aim to make a floristic survey of the Brejos, detect differences of their compositions and try to identify bioindicator species. We sampled 39 Angiosperm families and 64 species. Fabaceae was the most frequent. We found species from both biomes in similar amounts. There seems to have a relation between the floristic composition and anthropization level of the Brejos. Also, Tonina fluviatilis Aubl., is pointed as a water quality bioindicator.


