Levantamento florístico do estrato arbóreo-arbustivo dos Brejos da Barra - BA


  • Priscila S. Zeferino
  • Paulo R.M. Souza Filho


The aim of the work was to make tree and shrub floristic survey of the riparian forest in the Brejos of Barra (palm swamps), Bahia, Brazil. The plants reproductive structures were collected along 2015-18 in rainy and dry seasons. We identified 49 Angiosperms families, 83 genus and 132 species. Fabaceae was more frequent with 22 species, followed by Melastomataceae (11 spp.). The predominant plant habit were shrubs with 61 species. Most of the species occurred in more than one site. Therefore, such data are important to understand that ecosystem and plan the next steps to conservation actions.


