Virtual education in the Colombian context: teaching practices in public and private education




As a result of the global pandemic, Colombian education is facing great challenges in the virtual world. Currently, social, economic and cultural gaps are widening, especially between public and private universities in Colombia. It is therefore necessary to investigate teaching practices in the virtual world under different social conditions.  This article aims to describe and analyze experiences, which constitute a baseline for the projection of didactic and pedagogical strategies for the teaching of disciplinary knowledge in the human and exact sciences. This research is of a qualitative nature and is developed under a descriptive perspective of experiences with interdisciplinary contributions from the human and exact sciences.   Among the experiences, the gamification and reasonable adjustments needed to universalize learning in the classroom stand out.

Keywords: Virtuality. Methodological innovation. Colombian university. Public university. Private university.


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Comment citer

Acevedo-Rincón, J. P., & Flórez-Pabón, C. E. (2020). Virtual education in the Colombian context: teaching practices in public and private education. Pesquisa E Ensino, 1, e202027.



Dossiê: Tecnologias e Metodologias Ativas nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem