The embodied work
entre a pesquisa e a história pessoal
embodied researcher, informal work, memoryAbstract
The immersion in the research topic is done not only through readings and contact through methodologies such as the use of questionnaires, interviews, life stories, bibliographic review, ethnography, among other methodologies, but also through the incarnation of the research, when possible, through the research itself, history, memories, experiences and readings of the world to organize the theme. This text intends to present the incarnated researcher who researched the informal work of young women from Monte Gordo, Camaçari/BA, in dialogue with the constant presence of informal work in the family itself. The methodology used was the bibliographic review on the subject and the memory itself, an admitted and recognized resource when making the flesh. It is considered that this article can collaborate with those who want to develop this methodology in their research and thus manage the theme more securely.
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