Por uma formação menor
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Formação. Devir-decolonial. Literatura menor. Reexistência.Abstract
This article discusses the need for educational training that goes beyond the Eurocentric, colonialist and capitalocentric paradigm, seeking to be inspired by powerful lines of thought that do not reproduce ethnocentric models. This training proposal seeks to produce insurrectional and fabulatory singularization processes, inspired by the literature of Franz Kafka and the philosophy of difference. The research adopts a theoretical-conceptual approach, using the rhizomatic principle of heterogenesis to explore the connection between literature, philosophy and education. This methodological device does not overlap areas of knowledge, nor does it privilege field research over theoretical research, recognizing the interaction between theory and practice. Instead of hierarchizing opposing pairs, such as theory and practice, we seek a synergistic approach that allows for a more immanent and horizontal understanding and resistance in the field of education, especially with regard to training process.Downloads
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