Agrobiodiversidade, sistemas formais/convencionais e informais/locais, agricultores tradicionaisAbstract
This article analyzes the extent to which the rights of farmers, who assume a hegemony of
assumptions linked to a substantial role in the conservation and sustainable use of agrobiodiversity, have been
put into practice. The distinction between traditional/family farmers and conventional/business farmers will be
discussed, closely related to the formal/conventional/institutional and informal/traditional/local farming
systems also portrayed in the context. The conservation models of agrobiodiverse varieties will be reported,
which are kept in the place where they originated (in situ), outside their natural habitat (ex situ) and those kept
in the field/farm, where the adaptation took place (on farm), even though this is not its place of origin, in
addition to explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each of these systems, and whether they are
receiving any incentive for the conservation and maintenance of phytogenetic diversity.
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