Da opressão comum à interseccionalidade
reflexões em primeira pessoa
feminist education; women's movement; black womenAbstract
This essay, of an essayistic nature, aims to reflect on some contradictions of the white feminist movements from the theoretical perspective of Afro-Latin American and Afro-American intellectuals. We begin the text with a first-person manifesto and demand research that needs to be written, done, thought for, and carried out with the protagonists themselves. For this, we approach two aspects: the first, of “common oppression” that generalizes women's experiences, problematized especially by bell hooks (2015). The second, the concept of intersectionality, developed by Kimberlé Crenshaw (1989) and revisited by Patrícia Hill Collins (2019). We conclude that from the understanding that one cannot think of common oppression concerning the experiences of women, the concept of intersectionality becomes important for reflection. The markers of gender, race, class, and sexuality, related to each other contribute to the existence of a fight against these oppressions and for black feminism as a critical theory to advance towards the liberation of all women and, consequently, of all people.
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