knowledge sorcerers
Key Words: Black sapatonas intellectuals. Literature. Knowledge production.Abstract
This essay, based on three analytical and performance turns, emphasizes the importance of the intellectual production of black sapatonas in the scientific, literary and artistic spheres in the construction of knowledge that expands narratives about us, from us, and thus manages to build pathways of erasure of hegemonic and oppressive theoretical and political perspectives on our corporeality. We believe that the knowledge that comes from the intellectual and artistic experiences of black sapatonas generates new ethical possibilities for cohabiting the world, so that we can build effective opportunites of coexisting in difference. Not reading, accessing or (re)conizing the works of black sapatonas as an important field of knowledge production, therefore, leads to what Sueli Carneiro called epistemicide, that is, the erasure of our epistemologies. Therefore, we understand that such knowledge is established as healing witchcraft, mainly coming from artistic fields, such as literature, in view of its revolutionary and affective potency of contagion and disorganization of oppressive ontoepistemological orders.
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